On Serious Games was created by a enthusiastic group of video games fanatics completely convinced that there is more than just entertainment to offer in this industry.
Journalists, marketing experts, game designers, programmers, artists, educators, movie and video games producers… we are a unique mix of backgrounds and interests, just the perfect much to help bridge the gap between Serious and Entertainment games.
If you are interested in:
- Serious Games news and initiatives…
- Congresses, Conferences, Protagonists, Books, Prizes …
- Gamification and how to apply it to Serious Games…
- The Future of Education…
- How a video game can improve your health…
- Simulation and Serious Games…
- What Serious Games could do for your business…
…then, On Serious Games is the perfect place for you. Browse around and follow us to be always updated about what is going on!

Graduate in Communications, Movie Direction and finishing a degree in English Language and Literature, her multidisciplinary career includes TV and movie direction, script-writing, video games localization, game design, international project management and multi-platform video game production.
Curious about everything, she divides her time between onseriousgames.com, Serious Games projects, any Assassin’s Creed title and her Mandarin Chinese lessons.

Graduate in Journalism by Santiago de Compostela University and specialized in journalism and new technologies, she is working on her thesis about “News Games as a Journalistic Genre”.
Always focused in bringing the best quality to video games news and completely fascinated by indie games, at On Serious Games she is in charge of the Game Analysis Section.

Graphic designer and video games lover. 3 years of Engineering and 4 years of Graphic Design at the University of Chile gave Pablo a vision of the whole process of developing video games. He is a “solution finder” understanding both art and programming.
His interest in video games was born early in the 90’s when he began playing games in his Atari 800XL, Commodore 64, Spectrum. His hobby became also his job when he started working as a graphic designer and project manager in multi-platform video games projects.

Graduate in International Business and Marketing by the University of Southern Denmark, is interested in the healthcare and biotechnology sectors, particularly regarding neuroscience, and believes on the great possibilities that Serious Games can imply for the development of a healthcare system oriented to personalized medicine.