Applying Octalysis Design to Real World Projects #GWC15

CONFERENCE IN A TWEET: Amazing, Fun and Winning! These are the objectives of the Octalysis model @yukaichou #GWC15 @OnSeriousGames

Gamification-Octalysis.0031There are two kinds of Gamification: Implicit Gamification, Gameful designs for non-game purposes, and Explicit Gamification, Games for non-games purposes. The Octalysis model analyses how our brain reacts to motivational stimulus. Depending if they appeal to our left or right side of the brain, we will react in a different way. And you can use this to make a “black-hat” gamification appealing to addictive techniques.

The problem with this kind of experience is that players/users will very soon desire to quit your gamified experience. Zynga uses this kind of tools and techniques in their products.

How does Octalysis motivate users?

1. Discovery: Before enrolling, create a narrative and a challenge for them

2. On-boarding: Give easy rewards soon in the experience

3. Scaffolding: Build long/term missions and goals increasing difficulty and the unlocking of features

4. User Experience: Design the experience step by step taking into account how your customer will feel.

5. Focus: Discuss the whole process with the client to be sure it will serve their interests as much as those of the customers.

We will see more about the Octalysis Model tomorrow with Yu-kay Chou, CEO and brain behind the company

About Belén Gómez

Graduate in Communications, Movie Direction and finishing a degree in English Language and Literature, her multidisciplinary career includes TV and movie direction, script-writing, video games localization, game design, international project management and multi-platform video game production. Curious about everything, she divides her time between, Serious Games projects, any Assassin’s Creed title and her Mandarin Chinese lessons.

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