
Serious Games companies we love: Gamelearn

There are 3 things that let you know that you are in the office of a video games developer: 1. The average age is below 30, 2. You can easily find posters, t-shirts or plastic toys of superheroes and 3. There is a casual relaxed-but-focused environment that impregnates the place. Gamelearn offices are just like that. In the last year, Gamelearn has ... Read More »

Paper’s Please: immigration drama through Serious Games

One of the most awareness focused video games of the last couple of years is multi-awarded Papers Please. Here you will be an immigration officer of the fictional country Arstotzka, a soviet inspired state in a 1980’s distopy. With puzzle mechanics, you will have to decide who will cross the border and who will be rejected, sometimes with terrible consecuences. Definitely ... Read More »

MAPPLE: Serious Games classified by Purpose

Serious Games classification usually deals with areas of appliance: Education, Health, Simulation, Gamification… The problem with this traditional method is that frontiers are really blurred. Where would you put a gamified e-learning that tries to improve children teeth-healthcare education? Like this one, there are hundreds of examples that don’t fit in a unique category. And why is this important? Because the ... Read More »

This War of Mine: a serious game about collateral damages

We are really used to war games in which we are soldiers killing other soldiers (it doesn’t matter which side we pick or why), but This War of Mine is a serious game to step into a civilian’s shoes: we will have to survive in a city under siege and live with the decissions we will make to help our people survive. ... Read More »

Why you MUST play “The Stanley Parable”

The Stanley Parable is one of the most innovative games of the last years. It challenges your mind, contradicting everything you have previously known or heard about video games, making you play with the rules, and not by them. Do you have the opportunity of making real choices at games or at life? Never mind. To play or not to ... Read More »

Game Dev Story or How is it like to Develop your own Video Games

If you ever wanted to know how a video game studio works, this is your perfect chance! Face the challenges, ups and downs of the video games industry from the 1980’s until today. Develop the coolest games choosing from a wide variety of possibilities. Will you play safe developing a Fantasy RPG? Or would you try to make a difference ... Read More »

Ingress: Conquer the world while exercising

The world is not what you think it is. Around your house, your restaurant, even in your favourite park, a battle is going on. A battle for the minds of the population. Would you like to help forge the future? Welcome to Ingress. Ingress is an augmented reality game that allows players to interact with the real world while fighting ... Read More »

Los Mejores Juegos Serios de 2014 premiados en Bilbao

Teatro Campos Elíseos de Bilbao

El día 3 de Diciembre se entregaron en el Teatro Campos Elíseos de Bilbao los premios a los mejores juegos del año. En su cuarta edición, el Fun & Serious Game Festival vuelve a reconocer la labor de los desarrolladores y creadores de videojuegos en su lucha por ser reconocidos como cultura y no solo como un pasatiempo. Entre Assassins, ... Read More »

Bioshock: alusiones al consumismo y la psicología (II)

El argumento de este juego es una crítica a las teorías filosóficas objetivistas de Ayn Rand. Una ciudad submarina regida por el capitalismo laissez-faire que acaba yéndose al garete por la ausencia total de moral. Ésa es la historia principal, pero Bioshock es un juego plagado de simbolismos. Cualquier sistema capitalista tiene un componente imprescindible, un motor sin el cual ... Read More »