I was a pretty bad student at Maths. I was best in my class for anything else, but Maths were my nightmare… and my dad’s. Being an engineer, it was hard for him to assimilate that his smart daughter was completely unable to understand any kind of explanation regarding Maths. He tried everything until he finally decided to explain me ... Read More »
Tag Archives: app
Learn Japanese playing Takos
Is there a cool way to learn Japanese playing video games? Serious Games also expand to language learning as Takos Japanese has been proving. Missions, activities, humour and a cool art-style are keys for the good performance of Tako’s, winner at the Fun&Serious Games Festival 2015 at Bilbao. But what is behind the scenes? Who, where and why was created ... Read More »
Gomins – A Heroe’s Journey to improve children’s emotional intelligence
In 1985, a book revolutionized Sci Fi. The name was Ender’s Game and the lead character, a kid that needed to become a leader. As part of his training, video games were used by trainers to measure Ender’s emotional responses. Immerse in a safe and engaging environment, Ender showed his true self when confronted with anxiety, frustration and decision making. In 1985, ... Read More »